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Simply said: we deliver, access.

Always on, never down.

From value-based care, new payment models, to staffing challenges, staff burnout, and government mandates, healthcare is a complicated, fragmented, and rapidly-changing industry.

With Beacon, you can drive better care outcomes and mitigate financial and patient safety risks so that your organization always stays afloat.

  • Secure patient data access during downtimes

  • Secure patient reports through automated communication workflows

access patient data during downtimes
hospital server patient data

Secure patient data accessibility during downtimes

Get the peace of mind that your operations will never be down and always be secure.

Don’t let planned and unplanned downtimes or cyberattacks set you up for costly or life-threatening mistakes because you can’t access your systems or the cloud.

Discover a path to business continuity

Secure patient reporting communication workflows

Simplify complex communications.

Today’s multi-disciplinary teams require information beyond the EHR to deliver safe care, but disparate sources and formats can be frustrating for your already overwhelmed staff, which can reduce referrals and negatively affect care.

Discover a path to simplified communications

Hear from our experts

Featured resources

Beacon lighthouse
Blog Post
Introducing our rebrand & the Beacon platform

Twenty-five years ago, technology and the use of data in healthcare wasn’t at all what it is today. Most hospitals didn’t have the ability to embrace technology and use it to its full potential.

Webinar: Cybersecurity and Downtime Risk: How to Win Your Board’s Confidence

Cybercriminals are targeting hospitals and unleashing ransomware to extract payment and bring clinical and business operations to a halt.

case study
Case Study
Hospital switches to NetDelivery to solve report distribution and tech-support woes, saving money

Hospital switches to NetDelivery to solve report automation and tech-support woes, saving money

We’ve got your back. Anytime. Anywhere.

Learn how our all-in-one Beacon platform delivers on the promises that healthcare business continuity during downtimes and communication workflow automation are possible.

Get your safety net
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